Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Amnesty for over 20 Million Illegal Aliens will not improve the economy nor reduce the deficit. Wages for blue collar and working poor will be depressed for up to 20 years: Blacks (15% unemployment), Hispanics (10%), Native-Americans (poverty). The Congressional Budget Office counts the $200 billion to be paid in during the first 10 years by the newcomers and amnestied illegals in FICA taxes as “revenue”, when actually these dollars are Social Security trust funds. Money which is fully obligated to be paid back to the immigrants in the future. During their first 10 years in the U.S., of course, the immigrants will not be collecting Social Security payments. Liberals argue that Conservatives need to get with the times and approve the Dream Act or some type of comprehensive immigration reform to court the growing Latino population. 

I think this is a good summation of how the Democratic Party and the left go about enacting their agenda. We have existing Federal laws against illegals even being in this country, we just need to do a better job at enforcing these laws. The only reason this population is here is because illegals were allowed to flood the country, now with the weight of demographics they will demand political representation and political concessions which the left is happy to give in exchange for votes. This is why the left's agenda in every area must be fought resolutely from the outset, health care, gun control, spending, etc. I agree with former U.S. Ambassador Antonio Garza: "There is no human right to enter another country in violation of its laws."

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